Why I Love Working in a Digital Workplace

Flipside Workspace conference room meetingIt’s my first day back after a fabulous and disconnected vacation.  I love these times where I get to fully disengage from work – energy, creativity, and inspiration swirl around me giving me months of “work” just to catch up with my thoughts. Only the heartiest of ideas make it through memory and grit into execution, a kind of Darwinian business process.

Today I was excited to get back to work, to catch up with my colleagues and exchange ideas. I was ready…sort of.

You see, I work from home and it’s after New Year’s.   Two weeks of fun and festivities means many decorations are still hanging in the house and the onslaught of stuff from a household racing out the door each morning to school or work is still scattered about.  So many distractions.

I love that mental separation of “go to work”.  I need that mental separation.  But where is work when one work’s from home?

Luckily, our company has an office in Flipside Workspace, a digital workplace that has transformed how our organization works.  For me, Flipside Workspace gives me the freedom and flexibility to work where I need to be, yet allows me to work and engage with a dispersed workforce no matter where they are.  It allows me to have that professional human-to-human interaction that I crave and need.

Today I strolled into the lobby, said hello to some colleagues, parked myself in my office, and kicked off the New Year discussing some new and exciting projects we will be rolling out in 2015.

My virtual presence in our digital workplace meant I didn’t waste time with back-and-forth emails to schedule a meeting, playing phone tag, or even commuting.  My time “at work” was productive, purposeful, and engaging.  Can’t beat that!

I’ve got a great feeling about 2015, and look forward to sharing some of what we’ve been up to in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, feel free to visit our digital workplace in www.flipsideworkspace.com.  You can find our office to the left of the lobby.

All the best in 2015!

About Lisa Duncan | Alternative Workstyle Enthusiast

Completely and totally passionate about work flexibility, love helping other businesses succeed, aiming to change how we think about workplace. Co-Creator of the digital workplace, www.flipsideworkspace.com., Co-Founder of www.duncancoleverria.com, #huffbost blogger. [Duncan Coleverria]
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3 Responses to Why I Love Working in a Digital Workplace

  1. Lynn Patra says:

    Reblogged this on Work-Life Strategies & Solutions and commented:
    How did your transition back to work go after the holidays? For those who work from home and have yet to take down their holiday decorations, returning to work can pose a greater challenge. In this post, Lisa Duncan, co-founder of Flipside Workspace, briefly describes how an online collaboration platform that includes an immersive virtual environment facilitates separation between home and work as well as prime us, mentally, to go back to work. As an avid gamer, I’ve experienced how rich, virtual environments can transport us into a different world and put us in a completely different mindset. So I think Lisa makes an excellent point about the value 3D virtual environments can offer to remote workers.

    • Lynn, I just registered on Flipside Workspace. It’s an interesting experience. Let me know if you want to ‘meet’ there sometime.

      • Lynn Patra says:

        Hi Malcolm! Sure! I’ll be spending a lot of time there and as I believe we share the same timezone, we could meet quite easily. If you’d like to schedule one, let me know if there are any days/times in which you’ll be on – you can email me at ltpatra@gmail.com. I look forwarding to chatting!

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